We knew very little about Water Global Grants but needed to know what Rotary required in order to qualify for one.  One thing that we needed was a hydrogeological survey.  Having one done locally would take months, and it would not necessarily meet Rotary's requirements.  We were extraordinarily fortunate that Carolyn Nobel, one of our members, enlisted a co-worker,  Joel Barber, a hydrogeologist who eagerly volunteered to travel to Harare and spend a week completing the survey.  LRE Water, Joel’s employer, fully supported Joel’s trip to Harare.  Not only did Joel complete the survey, he visited supporting Rotary Clubs in Harare and continued to be a valuable resource after returning to the US.  Joel's analysis and report sealed the deal and we were awarded the Rotary Global Grant.  The $103,500 project will begin soon. 
None of this could have happened without the deep commitment and participation of the Highlands Rotarians.  Denver Mile High has been very fortunate to have them as a partner for the last 15 years.